
Today as I jotted down the date, I realised that it’s the FOURTH MONTH of the year and as I wrote down 2/04/2018 it got me thinking. 

April for me symbolises a few things, it’s not just the fourth month of year, its sunny but not too hot days (ideal beach weather tbh). It’s slightly chilly evenings that call for thin sweaters and it’s the point in the year when you start to crave hot bowls of soup and warm drinks. April is that time in the year when you finally have a set routine and you are comfortable in it.

Today though, as I wrote down that it’s the fourth month of the year, I began to wonder where the time has time gone. The truth is that these last few months have been a complete blur because my life has become consumed by my job.

I leave the house early in the morning and I return in the early evening (like any working person really). I’m forced to be a morning person and I constantly feel like a lost puppy. I rarely exercise, my diet is out the window and my evening skincare routine is almost non-existent. Gone are the days where I DIY facemasks and spend extra time exfoliating. I know April is the month that you become comfortable in your routine but the truth is I strongly despise my routine. I’m not happy, my skin is suffering, my body aches and I question my career choice regularly.

So yeah, it’s April and I crave a new (healthy) routine and a holiday really.

Anyone new to the workforce life, how are you dealing.




A letter to my teenage self.

Dear Teenage Self,

Chill with the eyeliner.

Don’t let self-doubt consume you. The path that is meant for you will be the path you choose.

Innocence is beautiful. You will soon realise that you are only young once. Live your life and enjoy it, these young innocent years won’t come back.

Not everyone will like you and that is okay. Find the ones that do and treasure them.

Stop trying to fit in, it’s okay to be different. Just be your self.

Be grateful. Be a genuine friend.

Believe in yourself and dream big. You will surprise yourself constantly.

Eat as many cupcakes as you can.

It get’s better, I promise!


Love, your twenty something year old self.


I miss it.

I miss it.
I miss being busy and occupied always.
I miss the long nights.
I miss the exhaustion.
I miss the endless cups of coffee.
I miss forgetting to eat meals.
I miss the constant nerves.
I miss the endless lectures.
I miss the long hours.
I miss the schedule.
I miss the certainty.
I miss the long naps after important papers.
I miss the prolonged lunch breaks.
I miss pushing myself further each day.
I miss visualising myself in this dark tunnel and awaiting the day I see the light at the end of the tunnel, because now that I’m here I am lost and confused.
I miss it all.
I miss being a student.




Applying sunblock, much like drinking water, is something everyone tells you to do but it’s not something you make an effort to do. Well, unless you are spending time at the beach. Using sunblock all year round is important and I’ve only just realised that recently.

Too much sun can actually have long-term harmful effects on your skin. Now I’m not an environmentalist, but over the recent years sunblock has become imperative because our ozone layer is depleting (global warming) and our skin needs protection from the harmful rays of the sun.

If you have scars, and don’t wear sunblock, these scars can get darker with the sun. Also, sunblock slows down the development of wrinkles and premature ageing. We all want to prolong wrinkles and look as young as we can, for as long as we can!

Regardless of your skin type or tone, use sunblock (even when its cloudy). It is a simple step that takes a few seconds.

Yes, even when it’s cloudy and dreary, wear sunblock!


10 Diet tips: How to get started.

Changing your lifestyle and just getting started is daunting, so here are 10 tips that will  make starting easier. I didnt change my diet to get skinny, I changed it to live healthier and to feel better.

  1. Find the healthy foods you like: You can’t eat salad for the rest of your life nor should you be eating foods you don’t like. Look for inspiration on Pinterest.
  2. Make a list: Write down all the foods you like/willing to eat and refer back to this list regularly.
  3. Stop eating at your sweet spot: This is the spot where you are not completely full but satisfied. This is tricky and SO hard and may take a while to figure out.
  4. Use a bowl instead of a big plate: This helps with portion control. You can even use a side plate.
  5. Get a water bottle:Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.dav
  6. Don’t skip a meal: This will result in overeating at your next meal or making unhealthy decisions because you are hungry.
  7. Eat carbs earlier in the day: I eat carbs like pasta and rice, in small portions. 3683d6e04757537513231d627e37d7b7
  8. Don’t keep unhealthy snacks within reach: This reduces the temptation. Snacks are life! (I will do a healthy snacks post soon).
  9. Exercise: Just get your body moving. Find an exercise that you enjoy and start moving. You don’t need to go to the gym or lift weights, simple exercises are sufficient.
  10. Find motivation: Find a deeper meaning. Exercise can help not just physically, but mentally. Do it because you want to, you can’t do something and be consistent if you hate it.

Changing your diet and lifestyle is hard. I hope these tips help someone, they helped me get started and  I comeback to this list regularly.


The coffee tag: Where I’ve been.

I’m baaaccckkkkk, back, back again, tell a friend.

It’s been over a month since I last posted and I’ve been seeing the If we were having coffee tag around so I’ve decided to do that tag today to document where I’ve been. Also because I love coffee and coffee shops are my faaaavvv and this is a virtual version of that.

If we were having coffee I’d first ask about you and order a cappacino (with a hope it will come with a pretty heart on top LOL).

If we were having coffee I’d tell you about my last post and that Jojo Meyers and Shabnum Khan replied to my tweets about the post and I was lowkey fangirling.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you that I turned 22 and still feel the same. I’ve been joking around and saying that I’m forever 21. My 22nd was great though, I ate a lot of food and hung out with my fav people and then went straight into studying for exams.

If we were having coffee I’d tell you about my final exams for law school and how tough they were BUT I passed and I’m done. Yeah im a lawyer, its crazy. My 15year old self would be so proud.

If were having coffee I’d tell you how scared I am for what’s to come and how I hate uncertainty and change.

If were having coffee I’d tell you how important it is listen to your body. To relax when you are stressed, rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry and step back when you are overwhelmed.

I’m so glad to be back. I’m so nervous that no one is around anymore though. hahhaa



From Malory Towers to Sweet Valley and from Famous Five to Secret Seven, I’ve been an avid reader all my life. My preferences have definitely changed over the years and now that I’m older I prefer to read thought-provoking books. I do enjoy the odd love story though (a hopeless romantic at heart I guess). Here’s 4 books that are currently at the top of my list:

1. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hoosaini: This is by one of my favourite writers. This book exposes you to many harsh realities. I like the fact that the author places an emphasis on relationships and the effects they have on our lives.

2. Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody: This is one I hold close to my heart because it’s based on a true story (I am fond of true stories). It will make you smile wide and cry endless tears. It has honestly been a favourite for many years. A sequel written by the author’s daughter called ‘My Name is Mahtob’ was released a while back, I can’t wait to read it!

3. Onion Tears by Shubnum Khan:  This book is based in South Africa so it’s close to home and relatable on so many levels. Love, loss and muted feelings are prevalent themes in this book. It’s amazing how the author was able to portray the best (and sad)bits of the Indian community. I actually met the author a few years ago, a lovely lady.

4. Me Before You by Jojo Moyes: If you’re a soppy/hopeless romantic, you need to read this! This book brings to light the fact that there people around us who have this great ability to bring colour into our lives, by just being themselves and they change us in more ways than they know. For some odd reason I resonate with Lou Clark  and her bad jokes with a complete inability to ever hide a single thing she feels.

What are some of your fav books?

www.herechoedthoughts.wordpress.com and www.notanothersociallyorchid.wordpress.com please write a post sharing your fav books too!


(picture credit: Brandon Woelfel)

Rosewater 3.0

This is part 3 of my little rosewater series.

Rose has been one of my favourite scents for years and many products I use daily are rose fragranced (The Body Shop british rose body butter is right at the top of that list).

Women, globally, have been using rosewater for generations. It is all natural and can be used on your skin, hair and even as a mood enhancer.

The fragrance of rose is calming , relaxing and is a mood enhancer.

Anxiety is something many struggle with and whether mild or extreme, we all have our methods to control it. There are many things I do and use to control it. One of the ingredients I use is rosewater.

So here’s what I do:

Splash a few drops of rosewater on your pillow before bed and when you wake up the next morning you will feel calm and relaxed.

So yeah, rosewater isn’t just good for your skin, it can help as a natural relaxer too.

Rosewater can be purchased anywhere and its cheap. You will probably find it at the back of your kitchen cupboard though!


I hope you’ve enjoyed my rosewater series, I’ve certainly enjoyed rambling on about it. 🙂


DIY hair mask

This is part 2 of my three-part rose water series.

Rose water assists with hair conditioning, dandruff and restores shine.

I’m not the biggest fan of hair masks and I honestly am the laziest when it comes to hair care, it’s just so much effort! This is an all natural, quick DIY and has two ingredients.

Here’s what you need:

Glycerin and Rose water, in equal parts. Stir the two ingredients and massage into your scalp. Leave it in for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off with shampoo and conditioner.

The ends of my hair were super dry and this hair mask helped a ton.




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